
Site editor

Pierre Graux, individual entrepreneur - liberal profession, whose registered office is located at 17 rue du Conseil Général 34320 Neffiès, SIRET number 852 490 767 00 014, represented by Mr Pierre Graux, massage therapist.

Publishing Manager

Mr Pierre Graux


OVH – Head office – 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – 0899498765


Conditions of use of the website

The site and each of the elements, including but not limited to the logos, icons, infographics, photographs and videos that compose it are protected under international intellectual property law. The content on the site is the property of Pierre Graux or other companies. Any use, reproduction or representation, by any process whatsoever, and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site and/or the elements that compose it is not authorized without the express consent of Pierre Graux.


Website (design and programming) © Delphine Viel
Branding (logo) © Ludivine Vanenterghem
Video by drone © Charlotte Marette
Video editing © Christophe Dumoulin
Photos © Bee Bonnet, Duet PandG, Inneska Sakhno, Valmedia, Pierre Graux

Limitation of Liability

The content available on this site is subject to periodic updates. Pierre Graux reserves the right to improve, modify or delete this content at any time, without prior notice.

By using the site you accept all of the points specified. If you do not agree with these, please do not use the site.